Let us introduce♥ Helena Olsson ♥ one of five artists in Five Corners!
Helena Olsson works mainly with moving images based on the idea that the work’s issue and its form should follow each other. In recent years, she has worked with the aesthetics and language of the documentary film, which often takes on the role as the truth bearer, and then mixes authentic material with stagings to create uncertainty in the viewer.
Helena will show Time Waste in Five Corners at Lilith!
The performance Time Waste is based on a previous video work by Helena Olsson. Here we see a cleaning choreography with three dancers in a copy of a full-scale model from a research project on how to build more easily cleaned bathrooms. The dancers’ movements are based on the photographs of cleaning from trial subjects that are in the dissertation.
Dancers in the piece: Olivia Klang, Corrado Di Lorenzo, Daniel Jeremiah Persson
Helena Olsson was born in 1982 in Ängelholm and lives in Yngsjö, and was educated at Malmö Art Academy. https://helenapetronella.se
The invited artists to Five Corners are ~
Kasra Alikhani, Farvash, Elin Maria Johansson, Helena Olsson and Cecilia Sterner
Five Corners is a generous display of performance art, where you as a visitor can walk freely and experience several works during the same evening.
To Five Corners, we have invited five artists whose performance practice in an exploratory and personal way reflects different approaches to the art form. What binds them together is a tangible courage to move boundaries and a common interest in who you are as an observer. All five works are displayed simultaneously for two hours in the same architectural form, a corner, a room or a stage if you wish
Let us introduce the fab artist ♥ Elin Maria Johansson ♥ one of five artists in Five Corners.
Five Corners open this Thursday Nov 18TH!!!
In recent years, Elin Maria Johansson’s work has revolved around issues of the herd or the swarm and the collective consciousness, with a perspective based on nature’s smallest organisms to the solar system’s inherent communication. Together, her works form an abstract and metaphorical weave that reflects the place and time we are in.
In the performance Echoes, the place turns back to you by quietly showing that it has paid attention to your existence.
In our society, nature has long been given the task of being a sanctuary for man and it has absorbed a large amount of human worries and longings. Fragments of these beliefs, observations and dreams hide as remnants in our surroundings and back towards us its echoes bounce. – Close now. Just ten steps behind. Trust me.
Elin Maria Johansson was born in 1979 in Västernorrland. Educated at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm, lives and works in Skåne since 2010. https://elinmariajohansson.com
At Lilith she will present her new performance Echoes.
Still from the tryout of Echoes the other night:) Photo: Elin Maria Johansson
Performers: Erik Wall and Louise Zurawski
Five Corners opens 18 NOV
The invited artists to Five Corners are ~
Kasra Alikhani, Farvash, Elin Maria Johansson, Helena Olsson and Cecilia Sterner
Five Corners is a generous display of performance art, where you as a visitor can walk freely and experience several works during the same evening.
To Five Corners, we have invited five artists whose performance practice in an exploratory and personal way reflects different approaches to the art form. What binds them together is a tangible courage to move boundaries and a common interest in who you are as an observer. All five works are displayed simultaneously for two hours in the same architectural form, a corner, a room or a stage if you wish
♠Five Corners – Five performances by Five Artists ♠
Kasra Alikhani, Farvash, Elin Maria Johansson,
Helena Olsson & Cecilia Sterner
Time Waste by Helena Olsson – 2021
På en lång utandning av lycka och uppdämd kraft storöppnar äntligen Lilith Performance Studio, med fem nya performanceverk samtidigt!
Den 18 november invigs Five Corners!
Five Corners är en generös visning av performancekonst, där du som besökare kan vandra fritt och uppleva flera verk under samma kväll. Till Five Corners har vi bjudit in fem konstnärer vars performancepraktik på ett undersökande och personligt vis speglar olika förhållningssätt till konstformen. Det som binder dem samman är ett påtagligt mod att förflytta gränser och ett gemensamt intresse för vem du är som betraktar. Alla fem verk visas samtidigt under två timmar i samma arkitektoniska form, ett hörn, ett rum eller en scen om man så vill.
De inbjudna konstnärerna till Five Corners är: Kasra Alikhani, Farvash, Elin Maria Johansson, Helena Olsson & Cecilia Sterner
Five Corners visas på Lilith Performance Studio i Malmö
→Publiken bokas in på olika tider för att undvika köer och trängsel.
Alla är fria att stanna så länge de vill fram till kl 21.00.
Varmt Välkomna!!
P.S Tori Wrånes stora performance produktion flyttas fram till våren 2022:) D.S
♠Five Corners – Five performances by Five Artists♠
Kasra Alikhani, Farvash, Elin Maria Johansson,
Helena Olsson & Cecilia Sterner
On a long exhalation of happiness and pent-up power, Lilith Performance Studio finally opens wide, with five new performance works at the same time!
Five Corners is inaugurated on November 18!
Five Corners is a generous display of performance art, where you as a visitor can walk freely and experience several works during the same evening. To Five Corners, we have invited five artists whose performance practice in an exploratory and personal way reflects different approaches to the art form. What binds them together is a tangible courage to move boundaries and a common interest in who you are as an observer. All five works are displayed simultaneously for two hours in the same architectural form, a corner, a room or a stage if you wish.
The invited artists to Five Corners are: Kasra Alikhani, Farvash, Elin Maria Johansson, Helena Olsson and Cecilia Sterner
Five Corners is shown at Lilith Performance Studio in Malmö 18-20 & 25-27 November. Open 7pm – 9 pm
♥ We arevbHappy to announce- A Lilith Commission Performance – Happy Yingmei – by our Star artist ♥Yingmei Duan♥ will be shown Tonight at JTTE Festival 2021 – Scotland’s newest performance art and contemporary culture festival. https://jttefest.com/yingmei/
If you are there don’t hesitate to go and see – It’s a wonderful performance ♥
Tori Wrånes (born 1978, Norway) is a singer and artist who creates dreamlike and surreal unpredictable large-scale performances, films and installations where sound and movement are central. Her art is an attempt to create realities outside norm and standard. Her use of sounds, musical instruments, costumes, props, architecture and sculptures deforms her appearance and creates new rituals and dream-like constellations – a choreography with sounds.
In 2014, Wrånes created the extensive commission performance for Lilith YOUR NEXT VACATION IS CALLING where she embedded every millimeter of the room on Lilith with color – an abstract color explosion where the furniture had left the floor and started to float and a group of people seemingly merging with the color of the room performed a rhythmic, repetitive gymnastic choreography. READ MORE ABOUT TORI → https://www.toriwraanes.com or https://lilithperformancestudio.com/archives/tori-wranes-your-next-vacation-is-callling/
Tori Wranes – Lips Don’t Cry – Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, 2019. Photo: Anton Donicov and Egor Slizyak
Hjälp oss att hitta en kompositör till att tonsätta nyskriven poesi, göra körarrangemang, skriva operasolon och skapa ett elektroakustisk soundscape till en megaperformance hösten 2022 i Malmö.
Det får gärna vara en och samma person bosatt i Malmöområdet, men vi tar tacksamt emot tips på passande kompositörer, körer, körledare, operasolister och elektromusiker.
Har ni tips på någon så skriv och dela. Eller presentera dig själv om du känner dig träffad och blir intresserad. Skicka gärna ljudfiler. Telefonsamtal undanbedes vänligen.
DM:a oss på Facebook eller skicka ett mail till → info@lilithperformancestudio.com