Nu är vi inne på andra helgen med vår totalperformance PLÄSNT DSCHÖRNIE – New Moves av Ethan Hayes – Chute.

Det har varit fantastiskt! 4 GGR TILL!! MISSA INTE! BOKA >>>

Läs de fina recensionerna i DN av Dan Jönsson, Sydsvenskan av Sara Berg och Kunstkritikk av Christine Antaya


”Pläsnt Dschörnie” är ännu en i raden av storskaliga performanceföreställningar som Lilith på senare år har gjort till sin unika konstnärliga nisch. De kan vara interaktiva, med flytande gränser mellan skådespelare och publik, eller som här mer slutna i sina fantasivärldar – men gemensamt för dem är de genomarbetade fiktionerna och de utdragna tidsramarna där miljögestaltningen blir en bas för experiment och improvisationer.

”Ethan Hayes-Chutes balanserar miljöns skeva vardaglighet mot arbetsprocessernas gåtfulla tomhet på ett sätt som får frågorna att svälla ut i det absurda. Vad är det här för människor? Är de kanske arbetslösa och i åtgärd? Är de alla döda och i skärselden? Eller är de bara barn som aldrig slutat leka att de är på jobbet? Förresten, vad är skillnaden?”  Dan Jönsson-  DN 27/11


”Jag kommer att tänka på Douglas Couplands lågmält skruvade romaner, där det orimliga framställs som självklart på samma skickliga vis, eller kanske tv-serien ”Twin Peaks”.

”Den specialinredda industrilokalen må se ut som ett plottrigt och luggslitet kontorslandskap från 1970-talet, men kan lika gärna betraktas som en allegori över livet. Vi är alla små myror som gör så gott vi kan, utan att riktigt veta varför – ändå bara fortsätter vi tills det tar slut. Och det är faktiskt ganska trivsamt under tiden.”
Sara Berg – Sydsvenskan 27/11


Den fantastiska firman

Ethan Hayes-Chutes föreställning på Lilith i Malmö är som att gå rakt in i en socialutopisk arbetslivsskildring av Wes Andersson, fast fulare.”


”Sedan 2007 har det skapats magiska världar i ett hus på Bragegatan i Malmö.
Lilith Performance Studios rykte har nått långt ut i världen”

” Det började med flyers i Berlin. Det slutade med flyttfirma i Malmö.”

I helgen 22-23 nov var det öppning på PLÄSNT DSCHÖRNIE – New Moves – Lilith’s stora totalperformance – en ny Lilith Commission av den amerikanska konstnären Ethan Hayes – Chute!!!

Fint skrivet av Sydsvenskans Jonas Gillberg om PLÄSENT DSCHÖRNIE –

Och det var magiskt, magiskt igår på@öppningen. Tack all superfina publik som kom och världens bästa medverkande och team❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️
MORE HOT MOVES TONIGHT❤️?❤️?❤️ #sydsvenskan #finartikel #pläsntdschörnie #lilithperformancestudio #ethanhayeschute #newperformance #commission #totalperformance #lovelyparticipants #happyforall #dreamteam #movingcompany #newmoves #visualart @ Lilith Performance Studio


Very nice on Swedish Radio about Lilith’s PLÄSNT DSCHÖRNIE – New Moves the other day!

Here is some brief clips from the interview with the artist Ethan Hayes – Chute and one of Lilith’s Artistic Directors, Petter Pettersson.
Reporter David Richter from P4 and P1 Swedish Radio.

” It took over 6 month to build up this moving company, and now on Friday the audience are welcome to step into the fiction, like a living movie. We have gone all in to created this image, this living film, this world of a ”real” moving company. If you feel you are entering a backdrop I do not think you would be devoured by the fiction, says Petter Pettersson one of Lilith Performance Studio’s Artistic Directors.

Ethan Hayes – Chute wants to create an alternative world, filled with soft values instead of thinking of profit and to be effective 

” I feel a lot of heart here, says Ethan to the reporter David Richter on Swedish Radio. – The employees are not worried about becoming millionaires, he continues. They are more into their costumers well-being than their own profit”

– PLÄSNT DSCHÖRNIE talks about a criticism of the efficient and profit-oriented society that is gaining more and more space, Petter Pettersson continues.

Listen to the whole program here: 4 min  >>>>.

Very pleasant to be working with this lovely crew again in a totally new setting and a new enterprise – a Moving Company!

PLÄSNT DSCHÖRNIE – NEW MOVES – a new total performance at Lilith by star artist Ethan Hayes -Chute. Opens next week! THRILLED!!!!!

”The headquarters are populated by loading docks, transport trucks and numerous employees fulfilling various important roles backed by solid experience.
Pläsnt Dschörnie is no ordinary enterprise, but one that is passionately – almost obsessively – concerned with the satisfaction of its moving customers, their emotions, and needs.”


Bit by bit the studio is now getting closer to the opening of Lilith s new produced work – PLÄSNET DSCHÖRNIE – NEW MOVES – the total performance by Ethan Hayes- Chute.

We are so Excited. Millions of details are put inside this built universe of this special Moving Company.

Don’t miss the dates: 22, 23, 28, 29, 30 Nov 5, 6, 7 Dec.

Book your tickets at >>.






A headquarters are built up, populated by loading docks, transport trucks and numerous employees fulfilling various important roles backed by solid experience.

Yet we do not know why, where, or when this moving company exists, or how it came to be. The company acts more as a state of mind than a physical space with its geographical location and customers being disconnected from a reality we can access.

Visitors are welcome to go in and view logical processes and absurd happenings that make up a regular day of operations. Feel free to move freely according to certain guidelines and protocols and stay as long as you wish.

Pläsnt Dschörnie – New Moves is the largest activation of a space made by the artist thus far, where traces of past activities are abundant, while new marks and trails are continually laid into place.

Ethan Hayes-Chute (b. 1982, Freeport, Maine) often explores vernacular approaches to everyday life. As a start of a new work, he goes through a role-playing process to determine the facts and figures behind the characters whose spaces he envisions. His main focus revolves around self-sufficiency, do-it-yourself mentality and human problem-solving capacities. He often creates spaces that lean towards the domestic realm that manifest in fragments, sections or fully enclosed variations. These environments are dressed with everyday objects that appear as if only momentarily vacated by their unseen inhabitants, their traces apparent on every surface.

TAKE A LOOK INTO ETHAN’S WAY OF WORKING WHEN HE IS INSTALLING THE SITE SPECIFIC INSTALLATION at MIT List Visual Arts Center is a ”basement-like space, a kind of workshop slash storage slash rumpus room.”
In this video, he creates the rustic and retro-futuristic space using found materials, and talks about his practical usage of near-obsolete computers, his woodworking show The New Domestic Workshop, and his absurdist line of beauty and food products.

List Projects: Ethan Hayes-Chute from Sue Ding on Vimeo.

All ready 4 years ago for this magic shamanistic ritual-like loop Lilith Commission – that took us all into a mind-blowing ride of the abstract and fragmented.

A beautiful, scary, fleshy memory! 



FAKE BONES – a ten day long performance by the Japanese artist collective
OLTA  & the Swedish artist and poet Leif Holmstrand 
Date: 17:e – 26:e September, 2015
In FAKE BONES, magic rituals around eating, physicality, birth and death were faked.
Ritual cooking, cooking shows, oracle activities and dissolution of both time and personality were faked in an ongoing process. Plastic bones, rawhide bones for dogs and boned strollers were present.
For severalweeks, they were on-site created an universe with their common interests related to biology, shamanism, radioactive mutations, fantasies of the body, eating, dissolve the ego boundaries, biopolitics and an open eye for beauty and reproduction of weirdness, where Leif’s imagery was melted together with OLTA’s.

The visitors stepped  into to their organism in which Leif carefully disassembled several prams and cooked them, fried, boiled and baked them with more possible food. The pram food was served to the audience and to OLTA, that builded and improvised along with Holmstrand in a long fragmented collage like cycle where sound, voice and poetry became a central element.

Happy to announce, a new major performance – a moving company Pläsnt Dschörnie will move in at Lilith this fall!

In November the whole space will be transformed into a skilled and empathetic moving company.
The American artist Ethan Hayes-Chute has moved into the studio and will transform every inch of it!!!
”Pläsnt Dschörnie: New Moves” will come alive in the near future so….

SAVE THE DATES 22 – 23, 28 – 30 Nov, 5 – 7 Dec, 2019


Ethan Hayes- Chute (b. 1982, Freeport, Maine) explores the ideas of self-sufficiency, self-preservation and self -exclusion as a model for living through paintings, sculptures, large-scale installations and  artist’s books
Read more about Ethan’s art –


Image 1: Mechanical for Moving Flyer PLÄSNT DSCHÖRNIE no 1, 2014 Image 2: Photo by Dan D’Ippolito and Ethan Hayes-Chute. Scene from Camp Solong 2018 (Orr’s Island, USA), Nomadic Mini-Institution & Participatory Project, various locations, 2016 – ongoing (collaboration with Dafna Maimon)
Image 3: Ethan Hayes-Chute – Buildup: wood, found objects, 500 x 45 x 220 cm, as installed at Amerika Haus, Berlin, Germany, 2012
Image 4: Moving Flyers 1-7, 2014-2015, Image 5: Scene from Camp Solong 2016  Nomadic Mini-Institution & Participatory Project, various locations, 2016 – ongoing (collaboration with Dafna Maimon), Image 6: Moving Flyer no 1 , 2014 PLÄSNT DSCHÖRNIE
