December Memory – ”Christmas Crib” of the year in the News 2007 – the first year of Lilith’s existence!
”Lilith has given Malmö’s art life a new dimension. Next year can be as exciting as can be. ”
wrote Dan Jönsson in the Swedish National Newspaper DN (2007) about Lilith’s Commission Performance –  Perception of Patterns in Timeless Influence by the Star Indonesian artist Melati Suryodarmo accompanied by the opera singer Angelica Larsson Asp and the violinist David Hovstadius and 7 white rabbits!
Melati was locked inside a large tableau vivant for 5 hours, moving slowly in silence, the rabbits contrasted her with their fast moving jumps and unpredictable movements and acting.

Can you cross Peter Rabbit and Caravaggio? 

The answer was given by the Indonesian artist Melati Suryodarmo in a performance at Lilith in Malmö last weekend. Wrapped in a blood-red veil, a dark Madonna sat on a bed of grass, surrounded by seven frisky, white rodents. 

Five hours of devout silence, which was broken from time to time by an opera singer who performed a piece from the Passion of Matthew in front of the sad, longing glances from inside the cage of glass. An unusual experience: both absurd and touching. What on the surface resembled a baroque painting soon brought to mind Joseph Beuy’s ritual company with a coyote for a day in New York. But in Malmo, the American coyote became a small white rabbit. 

Lilith has given Malmö’s art life a new dimension. Next year can be as exciting as can be. 

Dan Jönsson

PUBLISHED 2007-12-22
PUBLICERADES I DN Kultur 2007-12-22
Kan man korsa Pelle Kanin och Caravaggio?
Svaret gav den indonesiska konstnären Melati Suryodarmo i en performance på Lilith i Malmö förra helgen. Svept i ett blodrött skynke satt en mörk madonna på en bädd av gräs, omgiven av sju ystra, vita gnagare. Fem timmars andäktig stillhet, som bröts då och då av en operasångerska som framförde ett stycke ur Matteuspassionen inför de sorgsna, längtansfulla blickarna inifrån buren av glas.
En ovanlig upplevelse: både absurd och gripande. Vad som på ytan liknade en barockmålning ledde strax tankarna till Joseph Beuys rituella umgänge med en coyote ett dygn i New York. Fast i Skåne fick den amerikanska prärievargen bli en liten vid kanin.
Lilith har gett Malmös konstliv en ny dimension. Nästa år kan bli hur spännande som helst.
Dan Jönsson