WATA don PASS; Looking West will finally open its doors.
Come to the Moderna Museet Malmö Today!

We invite you to a Seminar partly about Sweden and Norways part of the colonialism from 13.00 -18.30. Free entry!

The Seminar programme has been organised by and will be moderated by Marianne Hultman, and artists, art historians, curators and scientists from Nigeria, Norway, Sweden and Zambia will participate.

The notion that Sweden and Norway never took part in colonialism, or that if they did, their role was marginal, is still considered legitimate. But in recent years studies have disputed this claim. A new historiography is taking shape that interferes with the self-image we have become accustomed to.

How is it that some parts of history remain unaccounted for, and what does that say about us? What happens when the façade of our national identity cracks and how does that affect how we perceive one another?

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This week we open WATA don PASS; Looking West!

Finally after a long time of preparation and workshops we open the performance and seminar project with the artists; Taiwo Aiyedogbon, Bernard Akoi-Jackson , Odun Orimolade and Christian Etongo from West Africa.

Join us during 4 days!

First we invite you to a half day seminar on May 13 at Moderna Museet in Malmö between 13.00-18.30

SEMINAR May 13 at Moderna Museet Malmö
On May 13 a seminar will be held in collaboration with Moderna Museet Malmö. The programme has been organised by and will be moderated by Marianne Hultman, and artists, art historians, curators and scientists from Nigeria, Norway, Sweden and Zambia will participate.
facebook event- Seminar


Then we open the exclusive Performance Event between May 14 -16 at Lilith Performance Studio in Malmö.
Price: 150 SEK. Booking is required! Pleas book your ticket at:

Between May 14-16 and for the first time in Scandinavia Lilith Performance Studio will present four newly commissioned large-scale performances with Aiyedogbon Taiwo (Nigeria), Bernard Akoi-Jackson (Ghana), Christian Etongo (Cameroon) and Odun Orimolade (Nigeria) that will take place simultaneously, without compromising neither artistic expression nor the unique experience.

Over the past year the four artists have developed performances specifically for Lilith Performance Studio. From their different artistic vantage points they highlight the emerging performance art scene in West Africa, with the common feature that performance has become an important part of their oeuvre. During three nights in May their wayward, humorous and personal works will fill the entire studio for three nights in a row.

Facebook event – Performance Event

Warmly Welcome to the week of WATA don PASS; Looking West!



Today Mr Bernard Akoi-Jackson and Madame Odun Orimolade will talk about their artistry at Inter Arts Center in Malmo.

Come and Join the at 7 pm. Free Entry!


Next week they will show their grand performances during WATA don PASS; Looking West – performance event at Lilith!

Bernard Akoi-Jackson (b.1979 lives and works in Tema/Accra, Ghana) examines recurrent hybrid postcolonial identities, through temporary markings and performative rituals. He often presents himself as the elusive God Eshu, the messenger between gods and humans.

Odun Orimolade’s (b.1976 lives and works in Lagos, Nigeria) practice spans a broad artistic field with painting, drawing, collage, etching, sculptural installation and performance. Several of her works clearly turns the spotlight toward the viewer challenging his/her active, passive role when experiencing the work.bureaucrazyodun_rep_4maj

Lilith figures in the Sydney Morning herald’s article about  Angelica Mesiti’s opening at Anna Schwartz Gallery in Sydney today!

Today is the opening of the video work of the performance The Colour of Saying by Angelica Mesiti, shown and produced by Lilith in March 2015, at the Anna Schwartz Gallery – we wish we were there!

Read the very nice article in Sydney Morning herald – Colour of Saying

Link to the gallery:


Skärmavbild 2015-04-17 kl. 10.04.19

Skärmavbild 2015-04-17 kl. 10.04.59

Lilith söker 4 scenvana dansanta personer som kan behärska vals och mazurka, att medverka i en performance av den nigerianska konstnären Odun Orimolade på Lilith 14-16 maj.

Performanceär en del av WATA don PASS; Looking West- ett exklusivt performance event på Lilith Performance Studio med fyra konstnärer från Västafrika;
Taiwo Aiyedogbon (NGA), Bernard Akoi-Jackson (GHA), Christian Etongo (CMR), Odun Orimolade (NGA) och ett seminarium på Moderna Museet Malmö.

I performancen, Spirits of the ball, har Odun Orimolade tagit utgångspunkt i 1800-talsbalen som idé och metafor baserat på händelserna före, under och efter Berlinkonferensen 1884-85.
Spirits of the Ball beskrivs bäst som ett slags lustspel med en allvarlig underton, en fantasi, som reflekterar över konferensen.
Balen för tankarna till fina damer i krinoliner, prasslande tyger och män i frack, men bryts av en annan närvaro; folkets andar Emi.

Aktuella datum:
Rep: 4 maj 18-21, 6 maj, 18-21, 7 maj 18-21
Pressvisning: 12 maj kl.9
Performance: 14-16 maj, kl 19 -23

inboxa eller mejla vid intresse och för mer info.




Fin Recension i av Mette Garfield idag!
Glada och nöjda:)

Läs här:

Upplev själva, sista helgen nu på fredag och lördag för Angelica Mesistis poetiska performance!

Performancen är loopad och pågår i ett mellan kl 19-21.
Publiken släpps in i mindre grupper och får stanna så länge de vill.

Boka tid på:
Biljetten hämtas och betalas kontant i kassan vid tiden för performance. Pris: 80kr.

Läs även recension i omkonst:

Och i Sydsvenskan:

”En djärv och tillitsfull enkelhet”, skriver Sydsvenskans Boel Gerell.


Ikväll blir det total tystnad i ett vitt nästan svävande rum, som ska fyllas med händer som dansar balett, sjunger i kör och klappar dansanta rytmer.

Öppning av årets första performance på Lilith – The Colour of Saying av Angelica Mesiti med ett gäng fantsatiska medverkande: Jette Nejman, Rolf Hepp, Tomas Erlandsson, Viktor Feuk och Ingegerd Nyborg med sin teckenspråkskör från Önnestads folkhögskola.

Varmt Välkomna ikväll!

Boka plats och tid på
Biljetterna hämtas i dörren till performance . 80 kr kontant.

Lysnna på fint reportage på P1 Kulturnytt som sändes igår 11 mars, 2015.

Se videon från radioreportaget!




Tonight it will be total silence inside a white almost floating room, which will be filled of hands that dances ballet, singing in choir, clapping danceable rhythms.

Opening of the first performance of the year at Lilith- The Colour of Saying by Angelica Mesiti with a bunch of fantastic participants: Jette Nejman, Rolf Hepp, Tomas Erlandsson, Viktor Feuk and Ingegerd Nyborg with her sign language choir from Onnestad Folk High School.

Welcome tonight!


Book a ticket and time at:
You collect and pay your ticket at the door of the performance. 80 SEK cash only:)

Listen to a nice interview with Angelica Mesiti on Swedish national radio: 

See Rolf Hepp and Jette Nejman dance with their hands on Swedish Radio.

Yes! Vi vann!!

Förra veckan mottog Lilith Performance Studio Nöjesguidens Malmö/Lundapris för bästa konst 2014!

Motiveringen: ”Lilith Performance Studio

Med sin position som Malmös främsta och absolut mest produktiva produktionsplats och arena för bildkonstperformance har Elin Lundgren och Petter Petterson skapat en ovärderlig mötesplats i Malmös annars något andefattig konstsfär. Höjdpunkten under 2014 var tveklöst The Abstraction av Laura Lima, ett projekt där ett konstmuseum drevs av barn. Vi tackar och bugar för den tid som varit och ser verkligt fram emot många år till av innovativ konstverkstad och den genuina kärlek för konsten som genomsyrar allt de väljer att ta sig för!”

Skärmavbild 2015-03-03 kl. 09.40.53

Skärmavbild 2015-03-03 kl. 09.46.31


Lilith’s Artistic Director Petter Pettersson is right now in Lagos, Nigeria for a week’s Performance Workshop Exchange
between Nordic Countries and West Africa, including workshops, lecture and presentation of performance works.

It is also a curatorial collaboration between Lilith Performance Studio and Marianne Hultman, Oslo Kunstforening and Bisi Silva, CCA, Lagos.

Today January 24th the performance workshop will be presented! YOU ARE INVITED!
Open Invitation: Presentation of Performance Workshop Saturday 24th January 1-5pm CCA, Lagos 9 McEWen Street, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos
Final presentation of the Performance Workshop Exchange between Nordic Countries and West Africa.

CCA, Lagos is pleased to have hosted an one week Performance Workshop Exchange involving artists from Nigeria, Finland, Norway, Cameroon,
Ghana, Sweden. The dynamic engagements and discussion will result in a final presentation on Saturday involving performances, screenings,
conversations, presentations and question and answer sessions.

Bernard Akoi-Jackson will be doing a performance from Yaba Market to CCA, Lagos from 1pm.
ARTISTS: Bernard Akoi-Jackson, Taiwo Aiyedogbon, Christian Etongo, Henna-Riikka Halonen,
Sandra Mujinga, Petter Pettersson, Odun Orimolade and Tori Wranes.
PRODUCER: Petter Pettersson, Lilith Performance Studio, Malmo; Sweden
CURATORS: Marianne Hultman, Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo, Bisi Silva, Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos

RECEPTION. Please join us for the first 2015 reception at CCA, Lagos from 5pm.


Inlägg av CCA,Lagos.

Read more about the worhshop this week in Lagos:


