Two new artists in the studio, preparing for the Grand Opening on 19th of September!

The whole studio is turned up side down with new ideas, materials, construction, sewing, costume making,
building walls, kiosks, saddle chamber and more

Signe Johannessen is making a baroque tack room where bottomless needs for power, intimacy, and love are tested in relation to the untamed horse on the verge of abuse in her new performance Holy Mare.

Jenny Berg is recreating, reconstructing an essential experience, memory from her past. ”I was walking down a street in town with some relatives, we were on our way to the grocery store. It was the 80s, I was walking slightly behind them, and we passed a park and a kiosk. Suddenly, the world dissolved, and there was no longer any difference between my body and anything else. Instead, there was an infinite number of extremely small vibrating threads moving in all directions around each other at an unimaginably high speed. There were no fixed points anywhere; my consciousness was also woven into the movement, part of it. Later, seemingly solid relatives reappeared, kiosks, trees, and asphalt roads. My grandmother’s canary was perched over my right shoulder a hundred meters back and five floors up in its cage in the kitchen (…).”

The two new performance will be shown simultaneously during t he same night!
Dates: 19.9 – 5.10

Book your ticket!
