LAST CHANCE TO SEE DURATIONAL SPACE THIS WEEKEND! DON’T MISS OUT! VIDEO TALK AND REVIEW! Category : Okategoriserade”A floating woman shows the importance of performance” ”..when the light dims, the wooden scaffolding suddenly resembles temporary housing and...
Beautiful opening last weekend, beautiful review and conversation with one of the artists, Sareena Sattapon! Category : OkategoriseradeBeautiful opening last weekend, with a lovely audience, lovely artists and a bunch of super great performers! We have just...
Fint reportage i radio om Stjäla vatten av Adèle Essle Zeiss! Vi öppnar imorgon!! Boka din plats! Valfri entré avgift! Category : OkategoriseradeIMORGON ÖPPNAR VI! LYSSNA PÅ FINT REPORTAGE I RADIO OM EN AV PERFORMANCE VI VISAR! Riktigt fint reportage på...
FROM LAST WEEK! REHEARSALS AND FUN! ON THURSDAY WE OPEN WITH TWO NEW PERFORMANCES!! Category : OkategoriseradeFrom last week, rehearsals and fun! On Thursday we open!! WE ARE MARCHING TOWARDS NON EXISTENT BY FAB Sareena Sattapon...