Kära kära Gallerihelgspublik och underbara aktörer, vilken magisk afton ni skapade igår! Vi visar Game Changer ikväll igen 19-21. Fri entré och drop-in.
Igår var det många som dessvärre aldrig kom in för att det blev långa köer så kom i tid ikväll.
Vi ska försöka dra igång redan 18.45. Medan ni väntar på att få komma in visar vi performancedokumentationer i storfilmformat från Liliths arkiv, ute på gården.
Missa inte heller att komma till Inter Arts Center (dörren bredvid inkonst) idag kl 15.00 där vi håller ett konstnärsamtal om verket Game Changer.
Dear Gallery Weekend audience and wonderful actors, what a magical evening you created yesterday! We’re showing Game Changer again tonight 19-21.
Free entry and drop-in.
Yesterday there were many people who unfortunately never got in because there were long queues, so come on time tonight.
We will try to get started already at 18.45. While you wait to get in, we show performance documentation in blockbuster format from Lilith’s archive, out on the farm.
Also, don’t miss coming to the Inter arts Center (the door next to inkonst) today at 3 p.m. where we are holding an artist talk about the work Game Changer.
Super Happy to show Game Changer for you this weekend.
Lilith and 40 actors & Dancers are excited to meet you.
Between 7 -10 pm on Friday & Saturday we will also screen LPS Performance video documentations from way back until today outside in the yard, come an sit down and enjoy a whole evening filled with performances!!
Free entry. Ongoing between 7 -9 pm, Drop in. Be on time, it can be a queue to enter!
”On Saturday I return for Game Changer and, wearing a black hood, I am led into the hall where the two-hour work invites the audience. In a mesmerizing soundscape, I take part in an experience that, stronger and more invasive than I’ve been part of in a long time, goes head-to-head with questions about the power of the individual versus the collective, power and protection, resistance and submission. In an uncertain borderland of choreographed rites, interaction, improvisation and coercion, I remain out of a desire to understand the undercurrents; de-identify the people and situations around me. Then I leave the room quickly, realizing that I need to let all the questions remain.” Sara Meidell/ VK
First we take UMEÅ then we take MALMÖ!
Dunkel klubbmiljö, längtan efter intimitet, tröst och utlevelse prövas och bearbetas genom gester, riter och impulser.
Koncept och idé: LILITH – Elin Lundgren & Petter Pettersson