Malmö Gallery Night, 2008 – A night of re-enactments
Malmö Gallery Night September 27 2008.
A night of re-enactments
Performance by: Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Emma Pilipon, Elin Lundgren
Malmö Gallery Night takes place is once a year in September. This is an evening when galleries and art spaces in the city are opened until midnight attracting a vast audience. In the honor to celebrate a number of works that has been and still influence the way Lilith looks upon performance and contemporary art today, the studio selected to present re-enactments, remakes and interpretations by the artists Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Emma Pilipon and Elin Lundgren.
Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen
A VoidBorn 1970 in Manila, the Philippines, and lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. In A Void, Cuneca Rasmussen re enacts work by Yoko Ono, Yves Klein, Piero Manzoni, Ana Mendieta, Shigeko Kubota among others. The historical re-enactments followed each other as one long performance without any announcements or interruptions. The audience interacted with Cuenca by kissing her in Orlan’s, Le Baiser de lártiste (1977) and cutting her clothes in Yoko Ono’s Cut Piece (1964) as well as watching her paint the floor with her own hair in Janine Antoni’s Loving Care (1992-96).
www.lilibethcuenca.comEmma Pilipon
Bad Media KarmaBorn 1977 in Buggeryd, Sweden, and lives and works in Malmö. A remake of an already prearranged reality. Late in the evening, a white limousine arrived to the industrial area were Lilith Performance Studio is located. Pilipon stepped out like a mega star in the middle of a staring crowd of 600 people. Suddenly, flashes were going off and paparazzi appeared from nowhere surrounded her and the limousine. The resemblance of Britney Spears was striking. Flashes kept going off triggered the audience’s curiosity. As “Britney” headed towards the entrance holding her Starbucks coffee tight and hiding her face with a pack of Marlboro, people got closer making it difficult for her to get through. The crowd followed every move she made excited to see what would happen next. “Britney”, went to the restroom, and shortly after exited the studio and left in her luxurious car.
www.pilipon.comElin Lundgren
Ever Is Over AllBorn 1973 in Stockholm, Sweden, lives and works in Malmö.
Lundgren made a performance of Pipilotti Rist’s video installation Ever Is Over All (1997). From the tunes of live piano musicß, Lundgren appeared in the street dressed in a blue dress and red shoes holding a large flower in her hand identical to Rist’s video installation. Lundgren started to walk along a car-lined sidewalk; and suddenly, she raised the flower and in a burst of inexplicable violence, she smashed the windows of the parked vehicles one after the other. From behind a policewoman came into sight. She passed by and smiled in approval to Lundgren, who then continued to smash the rest of the ten cars to later disappear from the site.Performance by: Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Emma Pilipon, Elin Lundgren
Malmö Gallerinatt äger rum sista lördagen i september varje år. Under Malmö gallerinatt bjuder Lilith Performance Studio på en hyllning till performancekonsten och konsthistorien med re-enactmens av konstnärerna Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Emma Pilipon och Elin Lundgren.
Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen
A VoidFödd 1970 i Manilla, bor och arbetar i Köpenhamn
I A Void återuppför Cuenca Rasmussen performanceverk av bl.a. Yoko Ono, Yves Klein, Piero Manzoni, Ana Mendieta, Shigeko Kubotas. De olika verken staplas på varandra och smälter samman till ett nytt – Cuencas. Publiken interagerar med Cuenca, kysser henne i Orlans, Le Baiser de lártiste (1977) och klipper av hennes kläder i Yoko Onos Cut Piece (1964) och iakttar när hon målar golvet med sitt hår i Janine Antonis Loving Care (1992-96).
www.lilibethcuenca.comEmma Pilipon
Bad Media KarmaFödd 1977 i Buggeryd, bor och arbetar i Malmö
En remake av en redan arrangerad verklighet. En vit limousin glider in på industriområdet vid Lilith. Emma kliver ut ur bilen likt en mega- stjärna mitt bland en stirrande folksamlingen på 600 personer. Från tomma intet dyker ett 30-tal paparazzi upp och lyser natthimlen med sina kamerablixtrar. Likheten med Britney Spears är slående. “Britney” trängde sig genom folkmängden som har samlats runt henne. Hon klämmer sig vidare in i lokalen gömd bakom sitt Marlboropaket, hårt hållandes sin Starbucks kaffe med paparazzifotograferna i släptåg. Ett snabbt besök på toaletten sedan försvinner hon i sin limousin.
www.pilipon.comElin Lundgren
Ever is Over AllFödd 1973 i Stockholm, bor och arbetar i Malmö.
Lundgren gör en remake på Pipilotti Rists videoinstallation Ever is Over All (1997). Iklädd en blå klänning, röda skor och med en blomma i handen identisk med Rists videoverk, går Elin längst en rad parkerade bilar. Plötsligt höjer hon blomman och i ett oväntat utbrott av vrede krossar hon rutorna på de parkerade fordonen. Hon fortsätter slå sönder bil efter bil och försvinner sedan bort ut i mörkret.