”- We think to much and feel to little. Do not despair. You have the power to make this life to a huge adventure”

Images from Elin Lundgren’s new performance I’M HERE FOR YOU! performed on Sunday 15 Nov during the international performance Event- Undisclosed Territory #9 curated by  Melati Suryardarmo -Studio Plesungan, Solo Indonesia.

A speech ” to the nation ” to unite in bad times, in good times, destruction, despair, build up and destroy. A Battle with words, thanks to my fellow scriptwriter; Obama, Bush, Palme, Löven, Reinfeldt, Hitler, Merkel, Cameron, Khadaffi, Martin Luther King, The Swedish King, among others.


Image credit: Studio Plesungan / Undisclosed Territory #9

Lilith is joining the International Performance Event UNDISCLOSED TERRITORY#9 in Karanganyar, Solo, Indonesia.

This year 19 female artists from around the world will present their performances, hold workshops and lectures during 5 days.

Tonight one of Lilith’s two Artistic Directors, Elin Lundgren, will do a lecture about Lilith Performance Studio and tomorrow she will present her new performance piece,  ”I’M HERE FOR YOU” that she has created especially for the event.

11 – 15 NOVEMBER 2015



Skärmavbild 2015-11-13 kl. 06.14.41 Skärmavbild 2015-11-13 kl. 06.13.57

Lilith is researching in NYC and visiting the biennale PERFORMA15.

Great opening last night of Ulla Von Bradenburg’s atmospheric B&W video installation ”Sink down Mountain, Rise up Valley.



Today it Opens, the UK premiere of Lilith’s participatory ENOUGH ABOUT YOU by the Israeli artist Einat Amir (ISR) launched by TRIAD Gallery London!

WE are very proud and thrilled!

”Calling all Londoners. It’s time to get up close and personal with a complete stranger in the Jerusalem-based artist’s participatory performance.
Amir will select pairs of strangers, to enter one of three cozy sound-proofed booths and converse for fifteen minutes as prompted by a pre-recorded conversational structure, while the remaining attendees watch the interaction in complete silence. Here, human behavior and the social constructs of relationships are put to the test.” Time Out London


Skärmavbild 2015-10-09 kl. 12.35.08

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We are happy to announce that Lilith’s performance production from 2011, ”ENOUGH ABOUT YOU”
– a participatory performance by Einat Amir (ISR) will be shown in London next week!

For 8 days the performance will be shown in collaboration with TRIAD: Towards Regional Integration of Artistic Development!

Welcome! 10 – 18 Oct, 2015
at TRIAD Gallery 25-28 Field Street, London

Also, Lilith’s Artistic Director, Petter Pettersson, will take part in a panel discussion: Performance Art Practice in the 21st Century
11 October 2015, 2 – 4 pm

Read More:http://thetriad.org.uk/event/performance-art-practice-in-the-21st-century/


”Som ompalompier – inte i en chokladfabrik, utan snarare i en Hieronymus Bosch-målning som Paul McCarthy klampat sönder med clownskor och försökt laga med gips och hönsnät.”

Tor Billgren / SYDSVENSKAN

Vi är mycket stolta över att kunna visa detta verk. Och mycket glada över fina recensioner.

Välkomna ikvälll, öppet 19-21 valfri entréavgift.

FAKE BONES rullar fram till lördag den 26 september.



Yesterday we had the first run through of the ten days long performance FAKE BONES!


For several weeks, OLTA and Leif have  on-site create an universe with common interests related to biology, shamanism, radioactive mutations, fantasies of the body, eating, dissolve the ego boundaries, bio-politics and an open eye for beauty and reproduction of weirdness, where Leif’s imagery is melted together with OLTA’s.

The visitors are invited to their organism in which Leif carefully disassembles several prams and cook them, fry, boil and bake them with more possible food. The pram food is served to the audience and to OLTA, that will build and improvise along with Holmstrand in a long fragmented collage like cycle where sound, voice and poetry becomes a central element.

In FAKE BONES, magic rituals around eating, physicality, birth and death are faked.
Ritual cooking, cooking shows, oracle activities and dissolution of both time and personality are faked in an ongoing process. Plastic bones, rawhide bones for dogs and boned strollers are present.




After weeks of preparation the studio is now transformed with FAKE BONES, Prams and a Giant Baby, among plenty.

OLTA and Leif Holmstrand has invaded the space with their artistry and created a common universe together.

Magic rituals around eating, physicality, birth and death will be faked.

The Performance opens next Thursday, SEPT 17th at 7 pm.
No booking is required, optional entrance paid at the door.

Before the performance Lilith invites you to an Artist Talk on September 15th at 7 pm – by Leif Holmstrand and the Japanese artist collective OLTA at Inter Arts Center in Malmo, Free Entrance. http://www.iac.lu.se/artist_talk

Warmly Welcome!


Snart öppnar FAKE BONES på Lilith –  en tiodagars performance av den
svenska konstnären Leif Holmstrand och det japanska konstkollektivet OLTA.

Till det behöver vi mängder av barnvagnar som ska tillagas, stekas, kokas, bakas med fler tänkbara livsmedel.
Vi tar gladeligen emot alla typer av barnvagnar.

De kan lämnas på Lilith Performance Studio, Bragegatn 15.

Telefon: 0768112616.

Donera barnvagnar facebook event- Donera Branvagnar

Mer info om performance hittar ni här- FAKE BONES



