Lilith Performance Studio at Malmö Konsthall in the exhibition 24 SPACES – a cacophony – Yingmei Duan
Lilith Performance Studio at
Malmö Konsthall in the exhibition
24 SPACES – a cacophony
Yingmei Duan
Happy Yingmei
Performance: 3 May – 7 May & 5 July -18 Aug, 2013
Duration: 6 hours a day, 5 days a weekLilith Performance Studio presents two six weeks long interactive performances by the artists Yingmei Duan and Donna Huanca at Malmö Konsthall in the exhibition – 24 SPACES – a cacophony.
Through a small doorway you step into Duan’s poetic wonderland, which is enacted in a dark forest glade, where Duan herself is standing and handing out handwritten wishes and requests, one by one, to the visitors. Happy Yingmei is inspired by Oscar Wilde’s fairytale The Happy Prince – a story about a golden statue that befriends a swallow. Together they bring happiness to others, in life as well as in death.
Happy Yingmei was produced by Lilith Performance Studio and first shown at Lilith Performance Studio’s Performance Event in 2011. The performance has also been shown at the Hayward Gallery in London 2012 and at the 19th Biennale of Sydney in 2014.
Yingmei Duan (born in 1969 in Daqing, China, lives and works in Braunschweig, Germany) uses herself in her performances, and her history and her isolation. She constructs tragic-comical scenarios where sexuality, through a not quite accepted female image, has a central place. She often challenges both herself and the audience in her works.
Duan had a solo production Rubbish City in May 2008 at Lilith, where Duan staged a dystopian catastrophe in. Even there she put herself and her dreams in the centre, lost in a wasteland of ten tons of garbage.
Performance: 3 May – 7 May & 5 July -18 Aug, 2013
Duration: 6 hours a day, 5 days a weekLilith Performance Studio presenterar två sex veckor långa publikinteraktiva performance av konstnärerna Yingmei Duan (CH) och Donna Huanca (US) på Malmö Konsthall under utställningen 24 SPACES – en kakofoni.
I Happy Yingmei stiger publiken in genom en liten dörröppning till Duans sagovärld. Den utspelar sig i en mörk skogsglänta där Duan själv står och delar ut hanskrivna önskningar och uppmaningar till en och en av besökarna.
Happy Yingmei har inspirerats av sagan Den lyckliga prinsen av Oscar Wilde – en berättelse om en gyllene staty som blir vän med en svala. Tillsammans tillför de lycka till andra, såväl i livet som i döden.
Happy Yingmei producerades och visades för första gången på Lilith Performance Studios Performance Event 2011. Den har även visats på Hayward Gallery i London 2012 och på Sydneybiennalen 2014.
Yingmei Duan (f. 1969 i Kina)- hade en soloproduktion på Lilith i maj 2008 där iscensatte en dystopisk katastrof, Rubbish City. I sina performanceverk använder Duan sig själv, sin historia och sitt utanförskap. Hon bygger upp tragikomiska scenarion där sexualiteten, genom en inte fullt accepterad kvinnobild, har en central plats. Hon utmanar ofta både sig själv och publiken i sina verk.